
Deep Madness (Second Printing)

Created by Diemension Games

A cooperative game of sci-fi survival horror for 1-6 players, inspired by Lovecraft’s work and featuring amazingly detailed miniatures.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Last Day of the Deep Madness Audio Kickstarter
about 5 years ago – Wed, Mar 13, 2019 at 08:59:21 PM

Hi all! I just wanted to let you know that there are less than 24 hours left to get the latest Kickstarter for the Deep Madness soundtrack audio! If you haven't checked it out yet, now's your last chance. Click here to take a look and listen to some of Alex's samples!

Last Day for Deep Madness Audio!
Last Day for Deep Madness Audio!

If you purchased this during their first campaign (or during the first Deep Madness pledge manager), then the only change to this is the addition of an FLAC lossless audio pledge level. However, if you haven't gotten your copy yet, then (as mentioned before) I highly recommend this audio. It's extremely atmospheric for your dark dives under the ocean. I wrote a lot of the Deep Madness story and cards while listening to this, so it is literally in Deep Madness's DNA. Anyway, once again, you can check it out here.  

That's it for today, but we'll be back with more very, very soon! Have a great day, guys!

Late Pledge Manager Closing and Progress Update
about 5 years ago – Sat, Mar 02, 2019 at 12:26:52 AM

Hi all! This will be a bit of a shorter update today, but there will be a lot of info in it considering its length. Let's get started!


The pledge manager has officially closed, including for those who requested a pledge manager extension. If you have any issues or need assistance with your order, let us know and we'll see what we can do to help you.

Now, even though orders are officially locked, you will still be able to change your address right up until we need to lock them down for shipping. We will lock those a couple of weeks before the shipping process begins. We will give you lots of notice before we have to lock those down, so you'll be able to get your address change in if necessary.

Thank you again so much for your participation in Deep Madness. We actually more than doubled the money raised during the campaign in the pledge manager. (Yep, you read that right. As of this writing we were over $1,710,000 total.) Wow! That wouldn't have happened without you, and we are overwhelmingly grateful to you for trusting in us and for being so enthusiastic for this game.  



Speaking of which, you might be wondering what's been happening recently with your game. Well, here's a few highlights!

  • We have submitted all of the new models to our manufacturer, and the tooling process has already begun. For those who aren't aware, tooling is where steel molds are made for every model's various pieces, tweaking them to make sure that as much detail as possible is retained by every figure. So that's some very good news!
  • Except for a few cards and the translation materials, we have submitted all of the printed materials to our printer and are awaiting their samples. This process should be on-going over the next several weeks.
  • Speaking of the translation work, it is in progress! We're hoping to have most of the translated materials back to us by mid- to late-March.
  • Last of all, Shattered Seas is proceeding well. I'm still writing it, and will be for the foreseeable future. But it's making good progress.

Unfortunately we don't have any new pictures to show you currently, but we will update you as soon as we have some to show (or more juicy tidbits, whichever comes first.) Have a great day, and we'll talk to you again soon!

Deep Madness Audio Re-Release with New Lossless Edition
about 5 years ago – Wed, Feb 27, 2019 at 12:57:10 AM

Hi everyone!  

We're just a couple days away from the due date for our late PM friends, so if you haven't had a chance to get in there and complete your surveys then please do so as soon as possible. However, that is not the purpose of this new update today. We will also have some more fun stuff coming your way soon, but that is also not the point of this update. 

Today, I'd like to direct your attention to something that is very near and dear to my heart: Alex Benzinger over at Darkraven Games has just released a Kickstarter for a new lossless FLAC version of the Deep Madness official soundtrack! This new Platinum Edition (as well as the earlier released Gold Edition) can be had right now by clicking here!

Deep Madness Audio Soundtrack - Check It Out!
Deep Madness Audio Soundtrack - Check It Out!

So, for those wondering how good this is, I wrote a huge chunk of the Deep Madness story content while listening to this album. It is really and truly a part of Deep Madness. We've also featured audio from it in pretty much every video we've released for this campaign. The atmosphere is great, the sound effects are great, the theme song is great. I highly recommend it.

Now, some might wonder (I know because I've been asked) why this wasn't featured during the campaign. The reason is, we couldn't get a hold of Alex at the time and so weren't able to add it. We learned since then, though, that Alex was going through some health problems, which was why he was a little difficult to reach - health problems that have now (thankfully) been resolved. 

Having said all of that, if you don't have this soundtrack, I personally highly recommend you check it out. I'm a big fan, and I think you will be, too. Once again, you can find it here.

Thanks so much for being awesome, and have a great week! We'll talk with you again soon!

Pledge Manager Closes Tonight!
about 5 years ago – Tue, Feb 12, 2019 at 02:06:12 AM

Last call to get your pledge in

You read that headline right! The pledge manager closes at midnight tonight PST, guys! Currently we're still at only 83% of surveys completed, too, which means that there are still a TON of you who haven't completed it yet. Don't miss your chance to fill out your pledge manager and get your copy of DM! We can't send you anything if we don't have your address and your finalized order. (For those who requested that we keep their surveys open a little longer, don't worry: you'll have until the end of February to finalize your orders.)

If you've lost your pledge manager link, then you can get it at You can also log into your Backerkit account at If you're having trouble with checkout, then you can email me at [email protected] and I'll do what I can to help you out.

I'll have more info soon on the little contest we ran, too, but for right now I'll just keep this short and simple. If you've already completed your survey, then thank you so much! And if you haven't yet, then this is the last call!

Pledge Manager Closing in 5 Days! Help for Those Who Need It!
about 5 years ago – Thu, Feb 07, 2019 at 01:16:33 AM

Pledge Manager Closes in 5 Days!

Hey, guys! I just wanted to send you out a friendly reminder that the pledge manager will be closing in only five short days on February 11th! If you haven't finalized your pledge yet, then please take the time to do it now! 

Lost your survey link? No problem! Just go to you can look it up! You can also log into your Backerkit backer account at if you have one already. 

If you selected Backerkit as your payment method, that means that they will try to charge your card on or near February 11th. Should a problem with your card arise, no worries. Backerkit will just send you a nice reminder email to update your payment method, and will try processing your payment again periodically. If you paid with PayPal, then you've paid already. 

Need a Little More Time?

Now, I know a few of you have been disappointed by the shortened time for the pledge manager, and are afraid you won't be able to complete your pledge by the due date. If this is you and you need more time to pay, then we will be able to leave your pledge open for you until the end of February. We really do care about you, and we don't want to cause you unneeded grief. So hopefully this will help. HOWEVER, we really do need to hear from you if you need to keep it open longer! If you want your pledge manager extended, then be sure to email us and let us know! Right now we're not running at full-staff because of Chinese New Year (a lot of us are in China), so I would recommend sending a message to [email protected] (my email address) and cc'ing [email protected] (the normal customer support contact email address) to make sure it gets seen. 

There's a caveat to leaving it open for some people though, guys. In order for this to work, we REALLY need everyone who can to complete their surveys before the deadline! That's because we need as accurate an order as possible to submit to the factory on the 11th. Currently we're only at 77% survey completion, and we really need that to be a lot higher in order to make sure no one gets stiffed on their order. So if you haven't completed your survey yet and you're able to do so, please complete your survey as soon as possible!

Contacting Us 

I've heard from a couple people that they haven't been able to get a hold of the team in the last week or so. As mentioned above, this is probably because a lot of our team is in China, where Chinese New Year is in full swing. If you have a question that hasn't been answered, feel free to email me at [email protected] and I'll try to get you taken care of. After this week, though, feel free to contact [email protected] as normal.

Contest Reminder

Also, there's still a couple more days to enter the painting and sharing contest we mentioned in the last update! We've gotten some great entries, but we'd love to see yours, too!  So, if you'd like to enter, follow these steps from our last update:

  • Post your favorite pictures of your painted minis online on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Include the hashtag #deepmadness and the link to our preorder store at in the description. (It can also help to tag us - @deepmadnessgame on Facebook, @diemensiongames on Instagram and Twitter - so that we're sure to see them.)
  • Try to get as many likes, reactions, shares, etc. for your posts as you can. In other words, feel free to post them all over the place. Hit the DM FB group at, any board gaming groups of your choice, your profile, the DM page, etc. And feel free to use multiple platforms if you'd like.
  • We will then choose the top five that we like, and those winners will appear in a future Deep Madness update as well as get a $20 credit in the pledge manager (or future KS campaigns). We will also have a sixth winner who will win the "popularity contest." This person (who got the most likes, reactions, shares, etc. on his/her posts) will also appear in the update, as well as receive a $40 credit in the pledge manager (or future KS campaigns).
  • Not a returning backer and/or don't have any minis to paint yet? No worries! Just share the Facebook post at and include the hashtag #deepmadness as well as the link to the preorder store ( ) in your post. We'll choose two posts at random from these to receive a $20 credit in the pledge manager (or future KS campaigns).

Feel free to enter your minis in the contest even if you've already posted them online, by the way. This doesn't have to be "newly painted" entries. ;) And, once again, absolutely ANYONE can enter by sharing the post! 

Thanks again for being with us, everyone! You are amazing! Talk to you again soon!